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The Globe Church

The Globe Church

Sundays at The Globe Church

Join The Globe Church this Sunday, 4pm at Ark Globe Academy.

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Week of Prayer

Date Thursday, 30th November 2017

Preached by Phil Tinker

What does faith look like? It looks like prayer. Prayer is how we put our faith into action- expressing our deep dependence on God for all things. He has the answers, we don’t. He’s powerful to act in our world, we’re not. So let’s pray to him!

Next week we’re having a church wide prayer week. It’s good to have a focussed time to praise and cry out to God together for our church, our city, and our world.

We have some special prayer events planned. Why not pick a couple of these that you can come to and pray with your church family?

The Globe Church Week of Prayer: 4–10th December

The Globe Church Week of Prayer: 4–10th December

But don’t stop there…

Wouldn’t it be great if we could pick one meal time or coffee break and find some other Globe members who we can spend half an hour in prayer with? Perhaps there’s someone in your Focus group you could meet up with?

Don’t worry about what to pray for, we’ve got you covered. Each morning we’ll send out an email with a Bible meditation and some things to guide our prayers.

Just think what God might do as he takes our prayers next week and folds them into his big plans for the world!