Globe Talks: Friendship
Bryony Sewell
A month or so ago we had a Globe Talks: Friendship morning giving us the chance to spend a few hours together as a Church family to think through a Biblical understanding of friendship and some really practical applications of what that looks like. I write these reflections as someone who cares deeply about friendships. […]
The Joy of Adopting Students
Olivia Whittome
When I was a student, I was 6 hours away from home, family and friends, and any source of familiarity. In my first year I lived with six others who dabbled in drugs and alcohol and big nights out whilst I had a 9-5 degree and hospital placements. I was convinced that when went to […]
Communion: What is it, and how do we approach it?
Alex Grinyer
Every other Sunday at Globe, we come up to a table in the centre of the room to take bread and wine (grape juice!) together. If you’re new to church, it might be a strange thing to see. Others of us might think of it as very normal. Across the world and across the centuries, […]
Linda Allcock
“Forgiveness is like the NHS – free at the point of use, massively costly to provide.” Jay Marsden God brings the difficult subject of forgiveness onto our radar regularly as a church. Jonty challenged us in our service on 2 Corinthians 1:23-2:11 that we must pursue joy and forgiveness in our relationships with everyone at […]
God’s Love
Harrison Jones
Growing up, we didn’t talk about God in my family, and I didn’t give it much thought. But at 16, I started questioning my life and identity. I wanted to be successful and powerful. Harvey Specter from the show Suits was my ideal – I thought he’d made it. University was a top priority for […]