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The Globe Church

The Globe Church

Sundays at The Globe Church

Join The Globe Church this Sunday, 4pm at Ark Globe Academy.

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Serving Teams

The Bible describes the church as a body with many parts all uniquely gifted to serve. At The Globe Church, we believe that everyone who joins us has been brought here by God to use their gifts in a variety of ways. We need each other.

God calls us to come and serve him with our bodies, with our gifts, with our resources as a key aspect of our day-to-day worship. Serving is a wonderful way to honour and glorify God particularly in the ways we serve Christ’s body, the Church, and those made in God’s image outside the Church. It is something that God calls all followers of Jesus to do.

At Globe, we believe in four values which are foundational to the way we serve:

  • Relational: Embracing and overcoming city life to be a family.
  • Discipling: Equipping a generation to live all of life for Jesus.
  • Missional: Confidently living to make Christ known to all people.
  • Generous: Committed to sharing resources to be a blessing to others.

These values underpin the serving teams in the way they enable the Church to gather from across London, deepen in these four areas and then go back to London so that we may be those who are better equipped, relationally deeper, and more confident to share Christ and our lives generously with those around us.

Serving can range from coming alongside a brother or sister having a tough time, helping the homeless, leading others in prayer, getting involved in door-knocking evangelism or catering for large gatherings.

At The Globe Church we would love to help you use and develop the gifts that God has given you and a great way to do that is to get involved in a serving team!