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The Globe Church

The Globe Church

Sundays at The Globe Church

Join The Globe Church this Sunday, 4pm at Ark Globe Academy.

Find out more


Our Sunday gathering is the heartbeat of The Globe Church. Everything else we do flows from the worship, preaching, and relationships enjoyed on a Sunday.

The Globe Church meets each Sunday at 4.00pm, Ark Globe Academy, Harper Road, London, SE1 6AF, in the Pentagon Hall. It’s just a few minutes walk from Elephant and Castle Underground station (Northern and Bakerloo Lines, as well as National Rail). There should be someone on the school gate wearing a hi-vis jacket who will let you in. From there enter the school and head round to the left until you see our banners. If in doubt, ask the people at the reception who will point you in the right direction.

The service

We prize singing together in worship, praying as one, celebrating Christ’s death for us in communion, and listening to God’s Word through the reading and preaching of the Bible.

Our services are fairly informal and we enjoy a meal together afterwards. The service lasts for around 1 hour 15 Minutes.

We’d love for you to join us!


Church family is just that – family. So we love for children to be part of our gathering. We have two groups for children Globe Minis and Globe Tinies. Minis is for children age 3 and to Year 4 in school, and Tinies is for babies up to the age of 3. Minis and Tinies meet during the sermon – the rest of the service we stay gathered as a whole Church family.

Minis and Tinies is crafted especially for children, with a focus on teaching them more about who Jesus is and what that means for them. A typical session involves Bible teaching, games, craft, sport, and play – all designed to help them see the person of Jesus in the Bible.

Family meal

Families eat together, and Jesus spent a lot of his time eating with people, so after each service we share a meal with one another. This meal is free, and everyone is welcome to stay for it.


There is wheelchair access to the school building which includes a lift to access the main hall. You can view what the venue looks like.

In our current venue, lighting is quite bright and direct. Those who are light sensitive may want to wear sunglasses. Large print Bibles are available.

The sound levels are quite high throughout the service too, you’re welcome to wear ear defenders if that would help you. If you are deaf or struggle with your hearing, get in touch with us before the service, and we’ll work out how we best can help.

At the school there is a disabled toilet, to the right of the reception desk. This however isn’t a changing spaces bathroom.

Some people might find it helpful to see the typical structure of a service – we have written an outline of what the service often looks like.

Have questions?

Do you have further questions about joining us on Sunday, or is there something that we can do to help you while you’re here? Please get in touch with us.