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The Globe Church

The Globe Church

Sundays at The Globe Church

Join The Globe Church this Sunday, 4pm at Ark Globe Academy.

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Date Sundays

A Typical Service at The Globe Church

Our services at The Globe Church look a little different each week, but this is what generally happens so you can know what to expect:

15.45–16.00: People arrive a church and chat with one another. You can sit wherever you like.

16.00–16.05: There is a welcome from the front, at this part of the service everyone is generally sat down listening. If you need to leave at point in the service to stretch your legs or use the bathroom, that’s okay.

16.05–16.20: We have a time of singing and hearing church news. We generally invite people to stand to sing, but many people sit too if that’s what they need.

16.20–16.30: Someone prays from the front, everyone else listens and prays in their own heart/head.

16.30: Before the sermon, the younger children go out to their own activities.

16.30–17.00: There is a 30 minute talk from the front that we sit down and listen to. If you need to leave at point to stretch your legs or use the bathroom, that’s okay. The talk is from a part of the Bible. Physical Bibles are available at church, and some are available in large print as well.

17.00–17.20: We respond to what we’ve heard in the sermon, with songs and prayer. We often celebrate communion, which is where we take break and wine to remember Jesus’ sacrifice for us. We usually invite people to go and collect the bread/grape juice from the table at the front– if you are not able to do that for yourself for whatever reason, please ask the person next to you to help you.

17.20–18.00: People normally stay after the formal gathering the talk to each other. There’s lots of mingling and people get up out of their seats. We have a meal together which is collected from three different areas around the room. If you are not able to do that for whatever reason, please ask the person next to you to help you. There is no charge for the meal – it is free – and everyone is invited to stay for it.