The life of William Cowper
Sally-Anne Jackman
God moves in a mysterious way…
If history could be folded, where would you put the crease?
Phil Tinker
This is what the billboard up on the side of Southwark tube station asks passers by. The question invites us to take our seat as 21st century surveyors of history, to take out a ruler and fold THE line on the pages of history. It’s a heady thought- to pronounce the turning point of time! […]
Deeper (1): Amos
Linda Allcock
For women at Globe. Deeper into God through his word. Deeper in our relationships through honest sharing.
Digital doorposts
James Docherty
These words should be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently… bind them on your hands… write them on your doorposts and gates.
Deeper meetup (3)
Linda Allcock
He who forms the mountains, who creates the wind, and who reveals his thoughts to mankind,who turns dawn to darkness, and treads on the heights of the earth – the Lord God Almighty is his name. – Amos 4:13 We had a great time together in May reflecting on how big our God is. We […]