Turning a Corner
Amanda-Lee Maddocks
Over the last year we’ve been partnering with Webber Street, a ministry of London City Mission to the homeless in our community. Amanda shares more about a new ministry there…
One21 a year in…
Ben Cousins
It’s been 12 months since One21 launched at The Globe Church, Ben shares how he uses it and how it has shaped his experience and growth.
Celebrating Gospel Partnership
Trevor Archer
September ‘18 marked our third birthday at Globe. Three years since the partnership between the FIEC and Co-Mission to plant a church on the South Bank of London became visible, but it was a plan that had been in motion longer…
Remembering the Best Year Ever
Adriana Kerkstra
This term in small group Bible studies The Globe Church has been looking at Luke 4–6 where Jesus proclaims the start of the Best Year Ever! Adriana looks back on some of the highlights.
Starting to Pray
Linda Allcock
A whole week of prayer can be an intimidating idea… where can we start?