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The Globe Church

The Globe Church

Sundays at The Globe Church

Join The Globe Church this Sunday, 4pm at Ark Globe Academy.

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I was privileged to grow up in a loving Christian home. But as a teenager, I realised that although I knew lots of facts about Jesus, I did not know him personally and had not trusted him as my Saviour and my Lord. I then made my own commitment to follow Christ. He has kept me firmly in his loving hand ever since, through all the ups and downs of life, and in spite of all I so often do to go my own way instead of his.

I currently work as the Pharmacy Placements/Programme Officer at King’s College London, supporting students throughout their degree. I have previously held jobs at the Department of Employment, Watford Council – almost the perfect job location for an Essex man who has inexplicably supported Watford Football Club from the age of 4! – and Christian Conventions, with a year on the Cornhill Bible Training Course just beforehand.

My wife Jane (a very busy CEO for a chain of school academies) and I have been married since 2008. We have developed a long-term relationship with rural subsistence communities (Budaka, Nabiswa) in eastern Uganda, working with schools, hospitals and churches. I have run Bible teaching workshops in the community (even once being presented with a live hen as a thank you!), and it is a joy to see God at work both at home and abroad.