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The Globe Church

The Globe Church
Growing up in a Christian family meant I was always in and around a church. I was in the Sunday school and part of summer camps from the age of nine or ten, so Christian stuff was always a part of my life. For a long time the thing that kept me in church were the friends that I made there. That changed when I was about 15; there was a moment at summer camp– one of the talks explained the result of sin. Sin wasn't a hypothetical thing, but was a reality- something in the world, the thing that prevented my relationship with God. I needed help, I needed that to be fixed, and Jesus came to do something about it. I distinctly remember that as the moment the penny dropped, that was when I became a Christian.

I'm married to Lili, and together, we've been attending The Globe Church since 2015. I work in Westminster as a technical consultant, for a company that builds applications and other technology solutions to help make decision making more efficient. My role there is in an analyst capacity. Outside of work I spend a lot of time playing sport, I play squash with colleagues from work, I'm in a five-a-side team and I watch sports often and am therefore a very regular reader of the BBC sport website!