Reflections on the Art Exhibition
Rachel Tam
A few weeks ago, our brilliant Creative Team organised an Art Exhibition inspired by the last sermon series. For those who missed it, or for those who couldn’t get enough, Rachel has written this blog giving a flavour of the exhibition.
Through Mary’s Eyes
Ryan Gray
The third line of the Apostles Creed reads “[Jesus Christ] was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary.” Ryan has written a poem reflecting on this line.
Why I started appreciating the Apostles’ Creed
Ida Oertel
We’ve just finished the first part of our series in the Apostles Creed. Every Sunday we studied a new line of this ancient text. This week on the blog, Ida reflects on how the series has helped her.
When confronted with the devastation of war, how and what do we pray?
Linda Allcock
Jesus knows exactly what we need to pray, he taught us what to pray in Matthew 6:6-9. The familiar words of the ‘Lord’s Prayer’ take on a fresh meaning and power when prayed into and over the darkness of war. Our Father, we want to lift to you our brothers and sisters in Christ, facing […]
Why I love being part of a Focus group
Ryan Gausden
Globe Focus is an integral part of church life at The Globe Church. In this blog, Ryan shares what God is teaching him through his Focus group.